From DSLR to a film Leica?
I’m using a DLSRs for more than 5 years. I know how to use a DSLR, I know how to enhance the photos, make HDR and other editing with my files. But when I was in my latest trip in the US, I’ve realized something…
If I use a digital camera, my photos are not so good in the last years. I get a lot of exposures, from my last trip to the US, I have more than 3.000 images on my HDD. But how many are a really good shots? About 5 (!). So it’s time to change the way how you capture the world. For me it’s the time to go back to film camera. I’m using a film camera for a month and I’m really happy now. I have much better shots from my Leica M7 than from any digital camera. Why? Because I think before I push the button and exposure the scene – how many people think before they push the button on their digital cameras? Only a little…
Sure, I’m not a professional photographer – photography is my hobby – so I can play with my photos and enjoy taking shots what I want to shoot.
For the reasons above I’m now using Leica M7 with Voigtlander 50/1.1 and 35/1.4 with Ilford and Kodak films. Sure, I’ve my DSLR and other digital cameras still, mainly for the family photos or landscape photography, but in the last weeks I don’t want to use the digital cameras…;-)